Plotinus - The Vegetarian Ancient Philosopher
Plotinus Plotinus was an ancient philosopher from almost 2,000 years ago. And was a vegetarian!!! This little-known philosopher lived in the 200 AD era, and was one of the pioneers of vegetarianism and animal rights. He was the founder of the Neoplatonic school of philosophy. Plotinus believed that all creatures had a soul. He thought the entire world had one single soul. This man avoided medicine made from animals, and taught that all animals feel pain and pleasure. He believed in order for humans to unite with the 'Supreme Reality', humans had to treat all animals with compassion. He lived in Egypt, and had a primary philosophy of 3 principles: The One, the Intellect and The Soul. His concept of 'The One' is what he was best known for: beyond all being, the good, the beauty; 'the one' is the source of the world, according to Plotinus. He had a concept of the true human and happiness being beyond anything physical. This man distrusted materialism. He was bi...